Summary of Coursework

University of Southern California
Engl 520Literary Contamination in the RenaissanceHeather James
Colt 524Topics in Classical to Early ModernHeather James
Engl 650Film: Race, Gender, and ClassTania Modleski
Engl 630Genre: DramaDavid Roman
Engl 520Renaissance PhilosophyLaurence Green
Engl 510ChaucerJ.A. Dane
Engl 590Renaissance DramaLaurence Green
Engl 660Theory: Marxism, Postcolonialism, FeminismStudent-Led Seminar
Engl 530Restoration/17th C.Leo Braudy
Engl 520Renaissance PoliticsHeather James
Engl 501Textual Criticism/BibliographyJ.A. Dane
Hist 599Early Modern World HistoryJohn Wills
Washington State University
Eng 547Literary CriticismJohn Ehrstine
Eng 548Literary TheoryLouise Schleiner
Eng 507ShakespeareJ. M. Massi
Eng 537Literature of Women in the RenaissanceLouise Schleiner
Eng 555Science and Magic in The Canterbury TalesMary Wack
Eng 560Restoration and 18th Century DramaJ. M. Massi
Eng 573Gender and Culture in 19th Century AmericaJoan Burbick
Eng 521British RomanticismJohn Ehrstine
Eng 512Introduction to Graduate SchoolAlfred Von Frank
Eng 501Methods of CompositionSusan Wyche-Smith
San Diego State University
Hist 522ATudor and Stuart EnglandJ. Flemion
Eng 604BSeminar: Renaissance Drama (except Shakespeare)Dorothea Kehler
Eng 534Study of ShakespeareDorothea Kehler
Eng 533ShakespeareProf. Morgan
Eng 499Special Study: ShakespeareDorothea Kehler
Eng 53617th Century LiteratureProf. Ridgeway
Eng 531Renaissance LiteratureProf. Ridgeway
Drama 496Shakespeare: Timon of AthensOld Globe Theatre
Drama 496Shakespeare: CoriolanusOld Globe Theatre
Drama 496Shakespeare: Love’s Labor’s LostOld Globe Theatre
Drama 496Shakespeare: Comedy of ErrorsOld Globe Theatre
Drama 420Play AnalysisRobert Chapel
Drama 460History of the Theatre (to 1660)Bonnie Anderson
Drama 596Dramaturgy: Advanced Text AnalysisA. C. Harvey
Hum 401The Medieval Heritage of Europe
Eng 530ChaucerThomas Donahue
Eng 542Romantic LiteratureRobert Sayre
Eng 524American Literature 1920-1950Prof. Sheres
Eng 509Introduction to Teaching CompositionSherry Little
Drama 310Creative Drama in the Classroom
Speech 475Intercultural CommunicationLarry Samovar