University of Southern California |
Engl 520 | Literary Contamination in the Renaissance | Heather James |
Colt 524 | Topics in Classical to Early Modern | Heather James |
Engl 650 | Film: Race, Gender, and Class | Tania Modleski |
Engl 630 | Genre: Drama | David Roman |
Engl 520 | Renaissance Philosophy | Laurence Green |
Engl 510 | Chaucer | J.A. Dane |
Engl 590 | Renaissance Drama | Laurence Green |
Engl 660 | Theory: Marxism, Postcolonialism, Feminism | Student-Led Seminar |
Engl 530 | Restoration/17th C. | Leo Braudy |
Engl 520 | Renaissance Politics | Heather James |
Engl 501 | Textual Criticism/Bibliography | J.A. Dane |
Hist 599 | Early Modern World History | John Wills |
Washington State University |
Eng 547 | Literary Criticism | John Ehrstine |
Eng 548 | Literary Theory | Louise Schleiner |
Eng 507 | Shakespeare | J. M. Massi |
Eng 537 | Literature of Women in the Renaissance | Louise Schleiner |
Eng 555 | Science and Magic in The Canterbury Tales | Mary Wack |
Eng 560 | Restoration and 18th Century Drama | J. M. Massi |
Eng 573 | Gender and Culture in 19th Century America | Joan Burbick |
Eng 521 | British Romanticism | John Ehrstine |
Eng 512 | Introduction to Graduate School | Alfred Von Frank |
Eng 501 | Methods of Composition | Susan Wyche-Smith |
San Diego State University |
Hist 522A | Tudor and Stuart England | J. Flemion |
Eng 604B | Seminar: Renaissance Drama (except Shakespeare) | Dorothea Kehler |
Eng 534 | Study of Shakespeare | Dorothea Kehler |
Eng 533 | Shakespeare | Prof. Morgan |
Eng 499 | Special Study: Shakespeare | Dorothea Kehler |
Eng 536 | 17th Century Literature | Prof. Ridgeway |
Eng 531 | Renaissance Literature | Prof. Ridgeway |
Drama 496 | Shakespeare: Timon of Athens | Old Globe Theatre |
Drama 496 | Shakespeare: Coriolanus | Old Globe Theatre |
Drama 496 | Shakespeare: Love’s Labor’s Lost | Old Globe Theatre |
Drama 496 | Shakespeare: Comedy of Errors | Old Globe Theatre |
Drama 420 | Play Analysis | Robert Chapel |
Drama 460 | History of the Theatre (to 1660) | Bonnie Anderson |
Drama 596 | Dramaturgy: Advanced Text Analysis | A. C. Harvey |
Hum 401 | The Medieval Heritage of Europe |
Eng 530 | Chaucer | Thomas Donahue |
Eng 542 | Romantic Literature | Robert Sayre |
Eng 524 | American Literature 1920-1950 | Prof. Sheres |
Eng 509 | Introduction to Teaching Composition | Sherry Little |
Drama 310 | Creative Drama in the Classroom |
Speech 475 | Intercultural Communication | Larry Samovar |